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Please draw figure on your own based on book, notes provided and what you saw on the microscope.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Experiment 11 Study of macroscopic features of Fennel

Experiment 11
Synonyms : Fennel fruit, Foeniculum
Biological source
  •                 Scientific name: Foeniculum vulgare
  •                 Part used: dried ripe fruit
  •                 Family: Umbelliferae

Organoleptic evaluation
                Color: greenish  brown to yellowish brown
                Odor: agreeable and aromatic
                Taste: distinct, sweet and aromatic
                Shape: slightly curved and oval
                Size: ___length, ___breadth
Other macroscopical Features
  • -          It occurs as entire cremocarp with pedicel attached.
  • -          A bifid stylopod is present at the apex
  • -          The cremocarp is composed of two mericarps.
  • -          Each mericarp possess glabrous surface, and five straight, prominent, straw colored primary ridges.

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