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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Experiment 7 Study of macroscopic features of Clove

Experiment 7
Synonyms: Caryophyllum, Clove buds, Lwang (Vernacular name)
Biological source
  •                 Scientific name: Eugenia Caryophyllus / Syzygium aromaticum
  •                 Part used: dried flowering buds
  •                 Family: Myrtaceae
Organoleptic evaluation

                Color: reddish brown
                Odor: Strong, spicy
                Taste: pungent, aromatic
                Shape: subcylindrical, conical
                Size: ------- length, ------- breadth (head)
Other macroscopical Features
  • -          It consists of stalk and head.
  • -          Stalk is cylindrical in nature which is called hypanthium.
  • -          The upper part of hypanthium has bilocular ovary containing numerous ovules.
  • -          The head consists of four calyx teeth.
  •          The head consists of globular head made up of four imbricated petals.

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